Monday night for family home evening we had our family Olympic games. We were supposed to do it last Monday, but then everyone got sick.

Daddy read scriptures with the kids before the games began-I guess that was our Opening Ceremony.

We had a cotton-ball pick up. Adam won (because he cheated).

We had egg races-the kids didn't drop any eggs, but Eric crushed one after he sat on it. We disqualified him! Thank goodness they were hard boiled!

We had to race with a balloon between our legs. Adam could hardly do this because he couldn't stop laughing. It was cute!

Our final event was racing to the finish line with a balloon between our bellies.

Our champions! Adam was thrilled to get his medal. We have had so much fun watching the Olympics. Tonight Adam wanted to know where the finish line was for the figure skaters. That made us laugh. He was very disappointed to learn he had to wait 2 more years to watch the Olympics again. I think we have some future Olympic athletes at our house!