Last week we had a wonderful trip to California and The Happiest Place On Earth!! It was so nice to get away for a couple of days and watch the kids faces light up! We went down with my family-Santa gave everyone a ticket to Disneyland at Christmas. It was fun to spend time with everyone and Tessa could not have survived the week without her Aunt Katy, so it's a good thing she was there.
We left early Tuesday morning and headed to southern California. The kids traveled SO well!! Our first stop was at Rose Hills to visit the graves of my Grandpa and Grandma's. Adam was excited to see the squirrels running around the grounds. He wanted to know why squirrels lived in trees, so Eric explained that some animals, like squirrels, live in trees. Thinking that was the end of that conversation, Eric started telling Adam what a cemetery is and why we go to them. To which Adam asked, "But why do squirrels want to live in a tree?" So much for the cemetery explanation.
Tess at Grandma Lemley's grave. She would have LOVED Tessa!
Our next stop was to our favorite burrito joint and then to Grandma W's "Echo" house. The kids had so much fun running around the backyard and digging in the dirt.

This tree has been around for years and years. My Mom use to climb it when she was a kid, I use to climb it and now my kids climb it. It wouldn't be a visit to Grandma's house without playing on her bricks and spending time in her avocado tree.

There are so many pictures from this trip! I will have many more posts. Coming up:
our trip to the beach!