Here's a look at what we have been up to this past week....
Adam was excited to find that he finally has a loose tooth! He was also bugged to find out that his new tooth is already growing in behind the tooth that is loose. We are getting him to wiggle his loose one a lot so it will fall out fast!
Gwen adores her big brother! Adam was having a treat the other day and Gwen went and plopped herself next to Adam while he ate.
This boy watches any and every basketball game he can. Some nights he gets lucky and gets to stay up late to see the end of a game.

Tessa Boo is probably our busiest child. She has lots going on in her exciting life! Last Saturday she was invited to Penny's princess birthday party. She dressed herself and could hardly wait for it to begin! (I made her leave her sunglasses and purse at home.) She insisted on wearing her high heels to the party, because "that is what a princess would wear".
This week for preschool, we went on a field trip to Macey's. The kids got to learn all about how a grocery store works and what we can buy there.
When we stopped at the produce section, Tessa had me rolling my eyes and all the other mom's laughing. The store employee picked up different fruits and vegetables and asked the kids what they were. The only kid to get the correct name with the fruits and veggies was Tessa. She won't eat any of them, but she knows their names. Go figure!
She was thrilled to get a cookie, a sticker, and a magic pencil on her field trip. (She is getting ready to cast a spell in this picture.)
It was Library Week for Mommy School. We tried to get her a library card, but apparently in Spanish Fork, you have to be 5 to get one. So, now she has another reason to look forward to her birthday.
Tessa's writing improves weekly. She is getting so good at writing her name with lower case letters. One of my favorite things that she does is dot the ends of her letters like I do when I am being crafty. She is like her mommy and is always looking for a new project.
Gwen is going to be the death of me! She is my monkey. I asked Eric why our son is our cautious and timid child and our girls are our wild monkeys.
She loves to read and I love finding her with books.
I also love finding her drowning in her toys!
This is her new trick for the week. I about had a heart attack when I turned the corner and saw her doing this. I can't take the gate down yet because she still thinks she can fly down the stairs head first. I have found the only way to keep her off the gate, is to keep shoes on her at all times. She hates when Adam and Tessa go play upstairs and leave her alone downstairs with boring mom.
Other fun things:
Sunday night, Adam, Tessa, and Daddy played some serious rounds of SWAP. Tessa was doing her maniac laugh, so you know it was fun!
Daddy had to study Tuesday night, so we made some hot cocoa, popped some popcorn, and played a few games of Candyland!
Wednesday we finally had a break in our snowstorms, so Adam and Tessa suited up for some much needed outside time.
Tessa loves to make snow angels, but she can't get up after she is finished. Adam had to help her out of the snow every time she made a new angel.
Poor Gwennie had to watch from inside. Mommy was worn out from shoveling.
They had a snowball fight, played Otters and Geese, and built a crocodile snowman.
I think that gets us pretty much caught up. Both Adam and Tessa are doing really well with their school work. They are getting so anxious to ride their bikes! Tessa asks me daily when the snow will melt. Gwen has also discovered animals. She will "woof" and gets SO excited when she sees or hears a dog. It's super cute!
They make our home a fun place to be and we are very grateful they are all healthy again!