We have been so, so busy! I honestly have not had time to sit down and blog-so I have a lot to catch up on!! Some of Adam's news for this past week was....he learned how to write his name!! He writes it on everything now-he is so proud and I love watching him learn.

The kids made Valentine's last week.

Tessa loves walking around in every one's shoes!

Tessa's first ice cream cone at Aunt Katy's birthday party

For those who haven't heard, I was called as the Young Women's President in our ward. That has filled up the very small amount of free time I had, but I am so excited!! I made cake pops for our first activity this past Wednesday. I heard through the grapevine on Sunday that our counselor in the Bishopric was telling people, "If this is how the young women are eating-good things are happening." The Bishop also started our BYC meeting on Sunday evening by complimenting my cake pops and telling all the young men and their leaders to get on my good side because these were treats that they would want in their lives. Needless to say, I felt good on Sunday!

The kids and I made lots of Valentine treats for our Valentine's. Homemade Oreo's and Lemon Almond Sugar Cookies-regular sugar cookies will never be the same! Yum!!

Eric's Valentine's surprises-he was too sick to care-poor guy!

Adam reminds me so much of myself! He is in-love with the Olympics and has been watching them faithfully every evening. I have always loved the Olympics so it makes me smile to see Adam so interested in them. Last night Eric was asking Adam what he wanted to watch and Adam said, "The Olympics! They are on channel 5 Daddy." I didn't know he knew there were channels on the tv.

Intently watching men's downhill skiing. No one else was in the room, but he is was very into it!

My Valentine's surprise-beautiful flowers and an awesome movie!

Adam's other news is he got an official big boy bed!
There is much more to share-but it will have to wait. So much to do, so little time!