Four years ago today, Adam joined our family. We couldn't have asked for a better boy. We love his imagination, his love of learning (right now he is fascinated by electricity), how helpful he is and how sweet he is. He has brought so much joy to our home and while we love watching him learn and grow, we hate to see him turn 4 already.
May 2006

May 2007
May 2008
May 2009
May 2010
I had 3 people come up to me in church on Sunday and tell me how much Adam makes them laugh during primary. I am still trying to decided whether that is a good thing or not.
We had both families over Sunday night for a big party. He requested a dinosaur birthday this year, so I did my best. He seemed to like everything.
Today, (May 25th) we had a little party with some of his friends. Not one of his boy friends came. Good thing he has so many girlfriends:) I made him a dino dig cake and a long neck cake. He loved them!
Emma, Ellie (he calls her his primary Ellie so we don't confuse her with cousin Ellie), Alexa, Katelynn and Tessa-our dinosaur party girls. They were good sports.
I told him he could eat whatever he wanted for his birthday. Remind him when he is a teenager that I am a good mommy-I got up and made him cinnamon rolls at 6:30am so they would be ready when his tummy grumbled, and for dinner made what he requested-shrimp, rice, chicken nuggets and pizza. He said it was delicious.
His big surprise this year was his big boy bike. It will take some practice, but he did pretty good on his test rides tonight.
Happy birthday Adam! We love you and are so thankful for you!!