I have been thinking a lot this week about how blessed I am and all the things I am thankful for. I could spend all day doing this...so I will narrow it down to a few things.
I am thankful for this wonderful man! Thankful that he took a chance on me and that we have a wonderful marriage! I can't imagine life without him!
I am thankful for these monkeys! They keep me on my toes and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so thankful to be a mother.
I am thankful for wonderful families. I am SO grateful to have awesome in-laws!

I am thankful for my family...as strange as we may be:) I am thankful for my wonderful parents who taught me to value the things that bring me true happiness.
I am thankful for food:) It makes me happy!
I am thankful for talents and hobbies...and thankful that I am actually good at a few of them.
I am thankful for music. I am thankful that I can play it, sing it, and listen to it. It calms me down and picks me up. I love my music!
I am thankful for the gospel! I am thankful for the knowledge that families are forever and that we have a loving Heavenly Father who hears and answers our prayers! I am thankful for living prophets and scriptures to guide me. I am thankful for the temple and the truths that are taught there. I am so thankful that our family has been sealed for eternity!
I am thankful for my phone and computer. I'm thankful that I can communicate and keep in touch with people so easily. I am thankful for texting...it allows me to talk to Jodi like 100 times a day:) I'm thankful for you Jodi.....don't know what I would do without you!
So thankful for our home! It is such a blessing to be in a house! We love living here!!!
I am thankful for books and that I am able to read to my kids. There is nothing quite like those quiet moments when we read together.
My list could go on and on. I am thankful that we are so blessed and that we have learned to look for the blessings in our trials. The Lord has been so mindful of us and while not everything is perfect all of the time, we know that He is aware of us and wants us to be happy. I am thankful for this time of year and the opportunity it give me to reflect on all of my blessings.
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