Almost exactly 12 years after my first trip to London I was able to return. The first time I went was right after my mission. After 2 years in sweltering Brazilian heat the "frigid" 70 degree London weather felt horrible. This time it felt great. The 1000 ft tall tower behind me in the picture on the right didn't exist in 2002. It's nicknamed "The Shard". It was started in 2003 and finished in 2013.
FBE May 2014 |
Thames river tour April 2002 |
In 2002 I went with my mom and dad. Dad had a business trip and we stayed in the flat that his company was leasing in Canary Wharf. The trip was about 2 weeks long. I didn't have work or school or any itinerary so I kind of went wherever I felt like each day. Some days I would get on the tube (subway) and just get off at a random station and see where it took me.
The Chapel at Windsor Castle 2014 |
me at Windsor Castle chapel in 2002 |
Even though this time I was on a tight schedule with a group of 25 other people, I was still able to visit many of the same places. I got to see Les Miserables again. I got to visit West Minster Abbey, Big Ben, Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral, The Tower of London, and the British Museum. There were a few other places I would have liked to revisit but we only had two days in London and we visited HSBC (international bank) and Honeywell (manufacturing conglomerate) during those two days
me and dad at Windsor 2002 |
Les Mis 2002 |
Entrance gate to Windsor Castle |
outer wall Windsor Castle |
The old castles in England are centered around a cylindrical Keep. The Keep is the old castle built by the Normans when William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066. The rest of the castle was built up around the Keep over the centuries. The castles are mini cities. To this day Windsor castle still has permanent residents living there.
Inner wall and Keep at Windsor |
me and Mom - Windsor Castle 2002 |
Buckingham Palace |
Palace gates |
There was a changing of the guard ceremony when we went to Buckingham Palace this time. It was packed with crowds. There was a band on the inside of the gates that played the "Imperial March" from Star Wars. I'm sure they were full aware of the irony. In 2002 I didn't bother going to Buckingham Palace. I walked by gates on my way to St James Park. They do tours but you have to book it weeks in advance. In 2002 I figured since I couldn't go in there wasn't much for me to see. I'm glad I went back this time and spent more time outside the palace.
In 2002 I got to spend a lot more time in Westminster Abbey. I got to attend a performance by the choir called Evensong in which they sang some of the psalms. It was absolutely beautiful and made gave me a greater appreciation for the psalms in the Old Testament.
This time we really only got to see the outside of Westminster Abbey. I actually got inside this time but only for a few minutes. I split off from my BYU student group and wandered in with a group of German tourists. Inside the famous Cathedrals in England there are tombs and memorials to national heroes. I snapped this picture before they told me I couldn't take any pictures. Which was unfortunate because they caught me right before I could snap a shot of Winston Churchill's burial plaque. I had to get back out quickly anyway because I didn't tell the BYU group where I had gone and there were waiting for me outside the front entrance.

We went to The Tower of London but just like at Westminster Abbey in 2002 I got to spend a lot of time touring the inside but this time I just snapped a few shots from the outside. In 2002 me, mom, and dad took a full tour of the Tower of London. It was amazing. We got to see the prison, we saw where Anne Boleyn was beheaded, and we got to see the Crown Jewels.
The Castle Keep in the Tower of London |
The entire castle is referred to as the Tower of London. Just like Windsor, the castle is like a mini city and is centered around the ancient Keep which was built nearly 1000 years ago.
Tower of London with Tower Bridge in the background |
Tower Bridge 2014 |
Under Tower Bridge on the Thames river tour: 2002 |
me on the steps in front of St Paul's: 2014 |
St Paul's in the background: 2002 |

The last place I got to visit was the British Museum. Just like when we visited the Louvre I only had about an hour and a half to go through the museum. The British Museum is massive. In 2002 I almost skipped going to the British Museum because it sounded boring. I thought it would be a museum about modern British history. I don't know why I thought that but the museum is like the Louvre or the Smithsonian. It is a massive network of connected galleries with exhibits and artwork from around the world and throughout history. I half jokingly say that the British Museum has all the stuff they looted from everybody they conquered over the centuries.
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