Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Halvorson Family Christmas Party

Saturday was the Halvorson family Christmas party. We has lots of good food and good company! It was great to see everyone! Becky, Roxy and Tessa
Adam and Eric playing the chimes
This is my new favorite picture! Jake played his chime with such gusto!!

Adam and Cora

We made gingerbread houses....Adam ate most of our candy

Billy and Lacey were here from Georgia...we were glad to see them!

Most of the gang!

Four generations

Another family picture

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Festival of Trees

This past week we went to the Festival of Trees with my family and had a great time! This is something I love about Christmas in Utah and I am glad we were able to go this year.

I LOVE the gingerbread houses!! They made me want to create something yummy.
This was the Wizard of Oz

This castle was crazy huge! It took 100 pounds of flour and like 15 pounds of sugar to make the gingerbread for this. It was amazing!!

This was my favorite and someday I will recreate it for a birthday party!

Considering all the toys he couldn't play with...Adam did pretty good! He loves Christmas trees and snowmen!

For all of you Twilight fans out there

This tree was done for sweet Brother Scadlock who passed away a couple of years ago. He was one of the sweetest men I know! He was a firefighter and the tree is decorated in honor of him. The star is a frayed fire hose...very cool.

My second favorite...a shoe tree!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a nice Thanksgiving with the Nielson crew. We went to the cabin this year and enjoyed lots of good food and good company. Adam was in heaven playing with all of his cousins! Adam and Ellie
Our Tessa Boo's first Thanksgiving. She is starting
to look like our own little butterball.

Adam watched Monsters Inc while sitting in his "space ship".

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So Adam is very into dragons right now. His imagination blows me away! He was playing with blocks the other day and after he finished what he called his "castle" he asked me for a princess. I couldn't figure out how he knew what a princess was and was even more confused as to why he wanted one. When I convinced him that I didn't have a princess for him, he ran and got his Halloween costume and asked me to put it on him. The dragon then proceeded to destroy the castle! I laughed so hard! I don't know if the princess was to destroy or rescue, but watching him play was pretty entertaining!!

Monday, November 17, 2008


I had to rotate Tessa's clothes last week! She actually has quite a few that don't fit her anymore. Our hard work and sleepless nights have paid off. This was one of her preemie outfits that she wore for the first few weeks of her life. I couldn't believe the difference! This picture really doesn't do the size difference justice.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blessing Day

This past weekend we went down to Utah to bless our sweet little Tessa and welcome Uncle Matt home from his mission. Saturday morning Eric and I went and had Tessa's pictures taken. She did great for the first couple, but by the end, she was so done! Luckily we got some great shots!!

Since Sunday was Matt's homecoming, we had lots of family and friends around! It was great to see everyone and spend time with people we love!

Tessa with her Mama and Bampa.

Tessa and her Great Gammy (Eric's Grandma)

Eric and Tessa -she is such a daddy's girl!

Three generations!

Most of my family..we are missing a few.

Our happy family....well almost. Adam had a major meltdown after Sacrament meeting because we wouldn't let him go to nursery. He screamed for almost an hour! He sang "I am a child of God" in sacrament meeting with some of his cousins and he did pretty well...except for growling at the congregation when we got up to the stand. We will have to work on that before his next performance!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Becky Stories

A few weeks ago in church a little girl and her dad were sitting in front of us. After the meeting was over they saw Tessa and the dad pointed her out to his little girl. After they looked at Tessa for a minute the little girl leaned over to her dad and whispered, "Daddy, I think the mommy is Ariel!"

Last week we were eating dinner when the doorbell rang. Eric got up and answered the door only to find a cop standing there. I could see him from the dining room and thought he must have the wrong house. Then he asked to speak with Rebecca Nielson. My knees immediately started shaking even though I know I haven't done anything wrong. I just got my first ticket this summer and I paid it!
So I went to the door and told him I was Rebecca. He then asked me if I was the Rebecca Nielson who was in Boise and witnessed a murder! I wanted to laugh but I was still too nervous. I told him I had never been to Boise in my life and almost started rambling my life history to him. He said they just wanted to make sure it wasn't me. I guess there aren't too many Rebecca Nielson's in Idaho.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

We had a fun Halloween with the little ones. On Thursday night we carved our pumpkin. At first Adam was freaked out by the insides, but then he decided the gooey pumpkin felt cool.
He insisted I draw ears on the pumpkin-go figure

Adam and I made bug cupcakes for our Halloween party. He would put the candy on the cupcakes and then take them off and eat them when I wasn't looking.

Showing off cute Halloween socks-thanks Aunt Cindy!

Our cute little Tessa was a cheerleader for her first Halloween. She wore my first Halloween costume. It was a little big on her, but she still looked super cute!!!

Adam decided on being a dragon and when we tried to take pictures of the kids together, Adam started to "eat the princess". Needless to say, the princess wasn't too happy.

Tessa took a nap in the car while Adam went trick or treating.
The dragon with all of his loot. He called trick or treating "ding dong". When we got home he said, "More ding dong please!".