Sunday, April 28, 2013

Earth Day Celebrations!

Monday, April 22nd was Earth Day. We had some Earth Day fun for Mommy School this week. 
(I was thankful that my tulips finally bloomed!)

We made our traditional Earth pancakes for breakfast and Tessa helped me make our favorite "Dirt" dessert for a FHE treat. Gwen wasn't so sure about it....

 For one of our Mommy School activities, Tessa made an earth out of tissue paper. She's starting to look so grown up!

 On Thursday, Adam and his class got to perform a song at an Arbor Day celebration here in Spanish Fork. After the program, all the kids got to help plant some new trees at the park. 
 Adam's first grade class (along with Mrs. Duramo's class) and Mrs. Riley playing the guitar. 

Our favorite Earth Day activity is making a Litter Monster. We have been doing this for a couple of years and Adam begged us to wait until he was home from school so he didn't miss it. We make our Litter Monster and then we go around the neighborhood "feeding" him all the garbage we can find. The kids LOVE this! I spent most of our time out chasing Gwen. We had a car pull over at one point to tell us how adorable she is. 

Happy Earth Day!