Last Sunday, Tessa was so surprised to have her best friend, Camdyn show up at church. (Camdyn moved to Michigan last year.) They were so happy to go to Primary together and on Monday, Camdyn came over and spent most of the day playing at our house.
Monday night for FHE, our baptism preparations began for Tessa Boo. I can't believe she will be 8 in a few weeks.
Caleb's little personality is starting to shine and he is very funny! He thought drinking out of 2 cups at once would be far more efficient. Adam was rolling on the floor. Literally. He couldn't breathe, he was laughing so hard.
Gwen is loving her new chores and responsibilities around the house, Her favorite jobs are putting away the silverware, and cleaning the stair rail.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Adam and Tessa got to take turns having sleepovers at Ma and Pa's house with Ares. They had lots of fun being away from home.
This past week, Mommy celebrated her one year mark with braces. We are getting close to getting them off and I cannot wait! But my teeth look so much better, so it was totally worth it.
On Wednesday, we spent an afternoon at Classic Skating. The kids had SO much fun! Mommy wanted to skate so bad, but Caleb wanted to be pushed around on a scooter.
Thursday, Adam was at Ma and Pa's house, but the rest of us enjoyed a beautiful morning walk on our river trail. We stopped to play in the water for a bit.
Everything happens in 2's now....
Thursday was a big day for Tessa! She had one of her birthday wishes come true and she got her ears pierced!! She was so excited about it and then as it got closer to our appointment, she started to get really nervous. But, she was a brave girl and didn't even cry! She is so happy to have earrings and proudly shows them off to everyone she talks to.
Thursday evening, Mommy, Tessa, and Aunt Dee went shopping for a baptism dress for Tessa's upcoming baptism. She tried on all 14 styles they had in the store and finally decided on the first dress she tried on. It is beautiful and she looks so grown up.
On Friday, Tessa finished her very first blanket.
We needed kind of a chill out day at home for a change, so we designed pillowcases. I thought it would be a quick activity, but Adam and Tessa put a lot of creativity into their designs and they worked on their pillowcases for almost 3 hours!
Adam wrote part of his story on his and the wrote his favorite books all around his story. Very clever!
Tessa is very into Aztec designs and used some of that in her design.
Gwen drew people and unicorns all over her pillowcase. Very Gwen!
Friday afternoon was spent playing in the backyard. They played in the sprinklers and then set the slipn' slide up again. Caleb decided he liked it finally and spent a good chunk of his day jumping in the pool of water at the end of the slipn' slide. He was happy as can be!
They also ate their fair share of ice cream on Friday. But it's summer, so why not?
Some afternoons require some relaxing. It was nice to have some time to do that.
Dare I even mention.....Mommy got to do some reading! A rare occurrence these days.
Saturday was dreaded family picture day. Why are family pictures so stressful? Our appointment was at 9am in Lehi, so kids were up bright and early (by 6:30am) to start getting ready. Thankfully, everyone cooperated and was so happy all morning, and our pictures turned out beautiful!
After pictures, Mommy and the girls went to a bridal shower at Grandma Nielson's house, and then we headed back up to Lehi to take the kids to the Dinosaur Museum. We have wanted to take Caleb for a while and his reaction did not disappoint! He pretty much jumped through the whole museum, yelling with excitement, growling at the dinosaurs, telling the dinosaurs "bye bye", and calling the giant shark "Memo". We all had such a fun time just watching him be so excited. We can't wait to take him back.