Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Beautiful Midway, Utah

Mommy and Daddy got to run away for a few hours and we escaped up to beautiful Midway. I kept telling everyone we were celebrating our 10th, 11th, and 12th anniversaries and celebrating Daddy finishing his Masters Degree. Better late than never! We enjoyed the crisp fall air and beautiful colors. We got to swim in the crater and enjoyed some yummy, quiet meals together. 

 Don't tell us you have 15 different salsa's, cause we will try them all!
 Mommy got treated to a cup of amazing hot chocolate!

 We splurged and got a massage with a gift card we had. It was Daddy's first real massage and he decided he could definitely do that again. 

We would have loved a few more hours away, but we happily took what we could get. It will tie us over for another few years.