Sunday, August 3, 2008

Special Delivery! by Eric

Last week Adam and I played a game where you say "special delivery" and then deliver a pillow to the other person's head. Oddly enough it all started while Adam was singing "Twinkle twinkle little star" with Becky. I came over to sing too and he turned around and swung a pillow at me. This just goes to show that our roles are pretty well defined in our house. Mom means singing and Dad means a pillow to the back of your head. Anyway, after a tough round 3 of "special delivery" I laid down but Adam wasn't done yet. He pummeled me with every pillow from my bed, then went to his bedroom and hit me with all his pillows and then when there were no more pillows in the house he got his big red bat to finish me off. Needless to say after such a humiliating defeat, I'll be challenging him to another match of "special delivery" soon.

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