Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Update

It has been a while since we gave an update....but we have good news to report! Tessa is doing so much better! We made it to her six week birthday this past Saturday and she made it over the 8 pound mark yesterday! She is eating so much better, but still will not nurse-that is our next battle. She finally has meat on her bones and she looks so much better. She started smiling on Monday and that has made the last 6 weeks all worth the hard work. She has Eric wrapped around her fingers already. He thinks she is the prettiest thing he has ever seen!
She is still my snuggle bug!

As for the rest of us...Adam is such a blessing!! He was glad to be home and sleep in his big boy bed after being with Grandma's and Grandpa's for a week and a half. (I couldn't have done any of this without them!) He is talking so much and so clearly. He sings all of the time and is such a good helper. He is really good with Tessa although I think he freaks her out. He is in love with trains, dinosaurs and the Magic School Bus. We watch The Land Before Time almost every day. His cousin Mya surprised him with lots and lots of cars and he has been in heaven with those. Having new toys has been a wonderful distraction which has helped when I need to give my attention to Tessa. Thank you Courtney!
Eric is doing well and still enjoying his job. His boss has been so great to give him time off when i have needed help at home. That would have never happened in St George!
I am still on survival mode. I am still only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night. A really great night is 6 hours!! I have been sleeping through my alarm for about 2 weeks now, but luckily Tessa is waking up at night to eat and that does wake me up. I have been fighting a cold for a week and had a blocked milk duct over the weekend that was beyond painful. I was about ready to give up after that. I just don't have time to heal from anything. Eric told me on Sunday he wanted more babies. All I could do was laugh! (The past 6 weeks haven't been quite so hard on him.) Even though things have been hard, we have been very blessed and realize that things could have been a lot worse. I am so grateful to be a mommy!


The Perkins Fam said...

YAY, 8 lbs!!! I have so glad to hear she is doing well. I love that Eric is already wrapped around her finger. What is it about little girls and their daddies? I am so excited to see you all in November!!! Adam and Liv will have so much fun.

FoxFamily said...

I am glad that both you and Tessa are on the mend. That's funny that Eric wants more kids right now!! he he he. good luck recooperating!!

Falon Felsted said...

Hi Becky! Tessa is absolutely adorable! I am so glad she is doing better! Kiss those cute kiddos for us and come visit soon :)