Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We had a very busy 4th of July weekend, but is was a lot of fun! We are so glad we live in Utah this year to enjoy the festivities with our families. We went to the balloon launch of Friday morning, the parade on Saturday morning, had a bbq with my family that afternoon and spent the evening with the Nielson's at BYU for Stadium of Fire fireworks. Adam and Tessa loved everything!! We had a great time making new memories together. We are so grateful for our country and the blessings of freedom we enjoy! Thank you to those who who serve our country and keep us free! Danny and Jake-our thought are with you this holiday weekend! Thank you for your service!!


Jodi said...

Sounds like you guys were crazy like us! Although we skipped out on the balloons this year due to pure exhaustion =)

Sandy Plummer said...

I love the pictures of the Queen Mum and her sunglasses!!!!

Shan said...

Do you do give away today? Looks like you won something! congrats.

Amberly said...

You look like you had such a fun day! I am so glad you live so close. Sorry it has been a crazy summer so far. We need to get together soon!