Thursday, October 8, 2009

Halloween Fun

Adam is finally old enough to understand the holidays and I am loving it! We have been making yummy treats to eat and started doing some Halloween crafts. He loves our decorations around the house and will now point out the houses that are not decorated for Halloween and say, "Mommy that house is NOT ready for Halloween". Showing off his feet ghosts
We had friends over the other night and we had fun making Frankenstein cone cakes

I love baking this time of year!! Here is this weeks treat-baked apples with vanilla sauce. Check out my food blog for the recipe. It is super good!!

There is such satisfaction when you create something! I have been adding to our home decor for the holidays and this year I decided to make some new things. I made this candy pot witch and the witches hat. The hat looks better in person-guess you'll have to come see the real thing.

Happy Halloween!!


Shan said...

Man, I need your creativeness!

Amberly said...

I love your decorations!

Elizabeth Kulbeth said...

Halloween is not my favorite but I LOVE your very tasteful decorations-maybe I'll have to change my mind:)