Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Me?!

She is only 14 months and so has a mind of her own! What am I going to do when she is a teenager?! She had been testing the waters big time this week. Don't be surprised if I have pictures from an emergency room visit sometime in the near future. Today she did not like her shirt for some reason, so she kept trying to take it off. This is how I would find her every time I turned around. After a picture for memories sake, we finally changed her. Since I was a calm, easy child, shouldn't I have calm, easy children? Oh Tessa-what am I going to do with you? Silly Girl!


Amberly said...

I love your kids! I am so sorry about Tessa testing the waters. I bet it is just a stage and won't last long:) I'll call you soon!

Abigail said...

hahahaha. "Since I was a calm, easy child, shouldn't I have calm, easy children"
I am saying the same thing!