Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"All growed up"

We hear "I'm all growed up" all to often these days, and it is true, he is growing up! Adam is loving being a Sunbeam and can hardly wait for Sunday to roll around. We love hearing him sing his new favorite primary songs-he loves the birthday songs!
I know I have been spoiled with children who nap really well. Sadly, Adam's napping days are over. He is 3 1/2, so it is time. While I am going to miss having a couple hours free in the afternoons, I am looking forward to spending some one on one time with my Bug-a-boo. He is trying to learn the alphabet in Sign Language, so that is what we are working on these days. His new favorite thing is "Play-doh". He waits until Tessa takes her nap before he gets it out and then his imagination goes wild! I love listening to him play!

Today he made cupcakes for about an hour and a half. You can tell who likes to help me in the kitchen!


Sandy Plummer said...

How cute is that!

April said...

How fun, it is nice to have a helper:) Once we get to primary it is awesome I hope he is just as good in sacrament meeting--then you truly would have a perfect child:)