Thursday, July 15, 2010


Tessa is constantly making us laugh! She has such a fun and lively personality-way lively! She will turn two in about a month. She knows her alphabet, counts better than Adam, knows her shapes and colors and amazes everyone with her vocabulary. (I have no idea what I am going to teach her the next 3 years.) I got to call poison control on her last week-that was a new experience for me. Other than feeling like a horrible mother, everything was fine.
This is one of her favorite kitchen toys. She calls my candy thermometer an "awesome". I have no idea why, but every time she pulls it out of the drawer she yells, "am awesome!" I guess something that helps make her favorite food (candy) should be considered awesome.
One of her other favorite things to do, is to put her doll pants on with her boots. She attempts to walk in them, but she can't get the pants above her knees, so she just waddles around the house. It's pretty funny to watch.

1 comment:

karen said...

Tessa = mischief. She reminds of her cousin Ellie. Tessa + Ellie = infinity mischief.
Gotta love her, Mamma