Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Family Home Evening

Family Home Evening is something I am really trying to work on with the little ones. I just feel like what we have been doing isn't really working and I need some fresh ideas and activities. Last night was awesome! In preparation for General Conference this weekend we had a lesson about "Watchmen on the Tower". We talked about different towers (like lighthouses, which Adam is fascinated by) and the importance of the men who work there. We talked about King Benjamin and his tower and then we talked about our latter-day "watchmen". I had Adam build this tower and then place the General Authorities on it.
Then we built our own towers out of toothpicks and marshmallows

This was Tessa's contribution to our towers
Adam really did well with the lesson and he got something out of it because he keeps asking me if Conference is tomorrow. I am trying to teach him a little something about each of the GA's during the week so by the time Conference rolls around he will know these amazing men. I think we are our way for some productive family home evenings...finally!


ryguy said...


That watchmen on the tower idea is ridiculously cute. And I love that you're teaching Adam who the all the members of the Quorum of the 12 are. They truly are all amazing men in their own right.

Amberly said...

You are an amazing Mom! I love all of your fun ideas:)