Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oh My Butter!

This weekend is my biggest catering job yet (thank you Kara!). I will be so proud of myself if I can do this!! These pictures are of shopping trip number one. 44 boxes of butter, 10 cartons of eggs, 24 boxes of cream cheese, 27 lbs of powdered sugar and 24 boxes of cake...just to name a few things. You should see my fridge! I was going to take a picture of all the groceries once I finished my shopping, but I decided I didn't have the energy to pull all that butter out of the fridge again:)
On the menu...cake balls, mint brownies, cheesecakes and pumpkin cupcakes. We are planning for 350 people, so that is a lot of food!
I couldn't do this without Eric.... I love you!!!


Kara said...

OH My heck I love you guys!!!! So do we need a moving van to get everything here??? Love ya!

Amberly said...

You are amazing:)

Shan said...

Wow. I stick to my belief that you are wonder woman in disguise.

FoxFamily said...

Wow! You are amazing. I have no idea how you did that. That is a TON of groceries for making yummy stuff!! Fun!!!