Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I just wanted to share some random moments from the past couple of weeks. My kids would live in the water if I let them! They are both such fish!
A couple of Sunday's ago Tessa refused to take a nap. About 15 minutes later I found her like this.....

Adam has decided that he wants to make his own sandwiches. He loves peanut butter and banana sandwiches and I didn't know he was making one this particular day. He insists using a fork to spread peanut butter is easier than a knife.

We need to practice a bit......
Tessa has become quite opinionated about what "pretties" go in her hair. Lately, she wants every barrette she owns in her hair at the same time. I actually had some lady stop me in the store last week and ask me if that was Tessa's idea or mine. I think that even on my worst dressed day you would be able to tell that this was not my idea.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Oh she reminds me of my girls =) such girl drama