Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend Review

Our crazy month is over!!! We survived....I think. Our biggest news is about Eric. We are super proud of him this weekend! He took the GMAT Saturday morning and did very, very well!! He has been studying for months now and it paid off. His score was better than he thought he would get and now we can relax for a little while. He will start applying for school late in the summer.
Friday we had the Utah reception for Kevin and Amy. The kids and I were at the church from 10am until 11:30pm decorating, then "entertaining", then cleaning up. I was supposed to cook for this reception, but I asked my Mom a couple of weeks ago if we could come up with plan B. I just don't have the energy right now to pull something that big off. Not after the last month anyways. Instead we had Costco cake and Sister Clegg's yummy strawberries and cream puffs. I think Adam ate most of the strawberries.
It was fun to visit with old ward members. Sister Spencer and Sister Scadlock are two of my favorite ladies ever! They thought Tessa was darling and kept rubbing my belly. They were excited to hear we are having baby #3.
Poor Tessa had had her fill before the party began.
Matt and Danny
My kids and most of my siblings spent more time in the nursery than the reception.
However, they did leave their mark on the kids table.
Matthew took a nap and Danny showed us his amazing skills with Lego's.

Candace and her family came to see us. It was good to see her!
Matt hung out with Adam during the reception. He helped Adam learn how to say different colors in Spanish.
I was shocked to see one of my very favorite Institute teachers come! She taught Danny in seminary and Kevin and I both took classes from her at Institute. We love Sister Christensen!!

Tiger Lily drove hours to see us! I haven't seen her since I was probably 11. She couldn't believe how grown up we all were.
Our good buddy Matt Parks from our Nauvoo days came too! It was fun to catch up with him and talk about Nauvoo. It made me homesick!
Today Mattman spoke in church. He gave a wonderful talk on temples and temple work. It was fun to hear some of his mission experiences and see how much he has matured and grown in the gospel. Adam was disappointed he didn't speak any Spanish during his talk.
We are 2 weeks into my 2nd trimester! I had another doctor's appointment this week. The baby's heartbeat is good and strong and the doctor said everything looks and sounds good! We should find out in about 6 weeks if it's a brother or a sister. I hate taking pregnancy pictures! They never look good. I have decided I am a very ugly pregnant lady. Everyone else seems to get these cute baby bumps. I get round all over. I couldn't sleep the night before my appointment cause I kept dreaming that I was going to get lectured on my weight. I gain lots when I grow these babies! Luckily the doctor said my weight was great and now I can sleep until my next appointment. We had a new niece born last week and she is so precious! It makes me so anxious for our little one to get here!
Now we get to catch up on house work and yard work that we have put off for weeks. We have a long list of fun things to do this summer and we start checking things off tomorrow!


karen said...

I love the picture of you and Tessa! gorgeous! Plus you are a beautiful pregnant lady! (and I definitely got round-all-over when I was preggers)

courtney said...

first off, woo hoo for eric!! we didn't even know he was taking it, but we're so happy for you guys! congrats eric on a great score!!

and you look wonderful!! i was so worried about my weight this last pregnancy because i gained faster & more than the others & my ob was telling me to watch it, ugh! but now i'm on the other side & we know the great payoff it gives :) you look beautiful becky, i love you!

Amberly said...

I love Sister C. I am so glad you got to see her:) You look fabulous. I am always so jealous of those girls who just get these cute little bumps. That is not me either. I gain and gain and gain weight and just fill out all over. Really you look fabulous and I am so excited to find out what you are having:)!!

Abigail said...

Hey that's a cute little baby bumb! I was showing more than that by the 2nd trimester this time around I'm sure. I've just refused to take pictures this pregnancy.

The refreshments at the reception were still great, nice to know Costco cake is that tasty!