Monday, August 29, 2011

Adam's Big Day!

Today came. He loved it. I cried.
He was surprised to find his favorite breakfast waiting for him this morning. Homemade cinnamon rolls and sausage ("the not spicy kind"). He gobbled it up and got ready for school so fast I could hardly keep up with him.
Our boy all grown up and ready for school!

Tessa had to wear her backpack to drop him off this morning. She really wanted to stay at school with him. She even shoved her backpack in a cubby and tried finding her name on a seat like Adam did.
At his new school~Riverview Elementary

He found his cubby and his seat and was ready to learn!
Before we left, Tessa ran back to Adam and gave him a hug and a kiss. Mrs. Hales saw it and almost let Tessa stay because she thought it was so cute.
Thankfully it was cleaning and laundry day, so I had things to keep me busy for 2 hours and 40 minutes. I only cried for an hour after dropping him off. My Mom told me to call her when I felt composed enough to talk. I finally called her at noon-after I had Adam back.
He loved his first day and was SO excited that he got to have recess! He told me on the way home that he can't wait until tomorrow!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I am having trouble commenting today!

What a bitter sweet day that first day of kindergarten is! He looks so happy and excited. I am glad it was a good day for him.