Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today I feel so blessed! Blessed to have the technology we have and blessed to have another little spirit joining our family! I was so nervous about this ultra-sound. Luckily, everything looks perfect! Everything with the baby is developing beautifully and things are looking right on track with my due date. My placenta is positioned right above my belly button. Thankfully this means no placenta previa with this little one! I am in great shape for a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) and we will go forward with those plans!
I have had such strong impressions for a couple of years now that we had a little girl (a little Gwen to be exact) that needed to come to our family. Part of my frustration with not being able to get pregnant for so long was due to these strong impressions. However, I have learned that patience and faith in the Lord's timing is a must in my life and everything works out just as it should.
I am happy to report that baby Gwen is on her way and looks beautiful! Adam and Tessa are excited to have another sister! We feel so blessed and are so thankful for the 3 beautiful kids that we get to call our own!


Sandy Plummer said...

So excited for another Tessa! ha ha ha! Maybe she will be more like Adam?!!! She'll most likely just be herself. So is Gwen...just going to be a Gwen or is she going to be a Gwendolyn like Charles in Charge? If just Gwen...will she have a middle name?
Oh the fun we will have!!!!!
I'm googling girls rooms for ideas!!!

Amberly said...

Yeah! Another girl. How exciting. Congrats:)

Amberly said...

I am so glad everything looked great and she is healthy!

Cindy said...

I must tell you that those ultrasound pictures are some of the cutest I've seen. Honest. And I love the name Gwen. I'm so excited for you! And I'm glad to hear everything's looking so well!