Wednesday, January 25, 2012

3 Weeks Old

Yesterday little Gwen turned 3 weeks old. We can't believe how much she has changed in 3 weeks! Her cry is louder, she cries tears now, she looks for noises, she makes funny faces, she squeaks and grunts like crazy, and she would eat all day if I let her. Eric and I were talking the other night about how it feels like she's always been with us. We are so grateful she is part of our family!

I love her little elf ears! Adam loves when she makes any kind of noise, even a sneeze. He often says, "Listen Mommy, she's making noise like a human!" The kids just love her to pieces! They are dying for her to play with them.


karen said...

I loved it in the hospital when Adam would hold Gwen and say, "Why doesn't it open its eyes?" So she is starting to get human now? lol

sleepless said...

Darling elf ears..that is good she is making noise like a human !!!

Shan said...

Can't wait to come see you and her. So sorry I haven't brought treats yet. We are in the process of moving but as soon as we are moved, I'll come. I saw your bro-in-law at Subway yesterday. He loves Gwen. It was cute the way he was talking about her.