Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

This Valentine's Day was a special one for our family. Not only was it Valentine's Day, but it was also our 7 1/2 year anniversary and Gwen's 6 week old birthday. We had lots of love to celebrate!
The kids started off their morning with heart cinnamon rolls. I was rather pleased with how they turned out.
 A happy boy! Adam would eat cinnamon rolls everyday if we let him!

 Adam loaded up all of his valentine's he made for his friends at school. He gave everyone a bag of popcorn and some Star Wars valentine's.
 Our smallest valentine did not have a good day. She has started getting sick again and was pretty unhappy about it most of the day.  
 Adam came home from school and unloaded all his loot! Tessa can't wait to start school now....
 We made heart sandwiches for lunch
 When Daddy got home we had a wonderful dinner together! On the menu:
Balsamic and brown sugar pork loin roast
Roasted root vegetables
Fancy green salad
Sparkling cider
Amazing chocolate cake with berries

 The best valentine's we could ask for!

 We can't believe it has been 7 1/2 years since we got married. After dinner we watched our wedding video with the kids and laughed at how young and well rested we looked! 
 After the kids went to bed, Eric and I enjoyed a quiet evening (minus Tessa coming out of bed 15 times) watching a tv show, eating some dessert, and letting Gwen snuggle with her Daddy.
It was a very happy Valentine's Day!! 


Kara said...

I love all your little traditions I am sorry Gwen is sick! Not fun at all!

karen said...

These are such great photos, you look gorgeous Becky!