Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adam's Birthday Bash

We had Adam's big family birthday bash on Sunday evening. We love being so close to our families and Adam was so happy that so many of them were able to come celebrate his basketball birthday with us!
 Some of my cheesy homemade decor. We tried to keep it all Jazz and Jazz colors. Adam said he loved it, so I guess I did ok.

 Our favorite part of the house...the dessert table!
 The handsome birthday boy!
 He got some pretty fun loot! He was beyond thrilled to get the Willis Tower and the Dubai tower lego sets from Aunt Katy and Ma and Pa!

 A new art book and magnetic map puzzles from Ma and Pa

 A lego book from Uncle Kevin and Aunt Amy
 New Dirt Diggers from Mamma and Bampa
 A new movie and treats from Dee and Eddie
 Sand box toys from the Uncles and Briette
 A circus tent from Aunt Angel and his cousins
 Bubbles and art supplies from the Troncale's
 He thought they were socks, but they were really sweat bands from Mommy and Daddy
 And the big finale.......
 HIS JAZZ JERSEY!!! With his favorite, #20...Gordon Hayward!
Go Jazz!
 Blowing out his candles

 He wasted no time getting outside and trying out his new gear.
 Adam and Tessa had so much fun playing with their cousins! We hope to see lots more of them this summer!
 More pictures from Pa....
 Tessa chilling out with Uncle Andrew

One very happy birthday boy!!!

1 comment:

Kara said...

I love it! I think it's so cute!