Monday, May 7, 2012

The Big Surprise-Part 1

This past weekend we did one of our whirlwind trips to California. It was so nice to go and not have a funeral to attend! We have been planning the trip for a while now, but never let the kids know about it. We had a close family friend getting married, so we went down for the wedding and surprised the kids with a day at Disneyland while we were there. It was the hardest secret to keep!
We went down with some of my family, so my parents stopped by our house on their way out of town and my Dad woke Adam up at about 6:30am, asking him if he wanted to go to Disneyland with everyone. It took a few minutes for Adam to wake up and grasp what was going on, but once he did, he jumped out of bed and  was so happy he about started crying. (He's his Mommy's boy...we cry over happy things way to easily!) The fist question out of his mouth was, "Can I bring my Jazz basketball hoop?" We weren't sure he would survive 3 whole days without playing basketball.
Ma woke Tessa up next and we were afraid she would be a bit grouchy, but she was happy as could be after hearing Disneyland and jumped out of bed! We got the kids dressed, threw them in the car, and were on the road before 7am! Tessa did great on the trip and only threw up once! I think that's a record.
Gwen was perfect and traveled so well the whole weekend! We were happy she got to meet her Great Grandpa Lemley while we were there. He thought she was darling!
 Gwen and her Great Grandpa Lemley

 Grandpa and Robin met us for dinner at our favorite restaurant, Rubi's. My siblings and I were happy to get our bean and cheese burritos and root beer freezes. Adam was happy that they had the play-offs showing on the TV.
 Grandpa and Tessa. She loved playing with his cane. She thought it made a good pogo stick.
 Tessa so excited for Disneyland the next day!!!
 Adam and Tessa eating their breakfast and watching the Disney Channel. One of their favorite things about vacations is that they get to watch cable. 
 We got to the park before the gates opened. Tessa was thrilled to see that the benches looked like Mickey Mouse! They couldn't wait to get inside!!

 We strapped Gwen up in the baby carrier and she was so good all day! We got lots of comments on how cute she is.
Tessa and Daddy waiting on Main Street for the park to officially open. It was a long 15 minute wait for Adam and Tessa. 
More to come....

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