Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Happy Father's Day!

We had a nice Father's Day weekend with Daddy! On Friday we surprised him and took him to dinner at Braza Express. Adam loves Brazilian food just like his Daddy! Tessa loved the juice and rice.

 For several days the kids have been planning a breakfast in bed for Sunday morning. They were so excited to take it up to him! 

Tessa, Gwen, and Adam with their wonderful Daddy!

These girls adore their Daddy!
They call each other "Best Buds".

 He got some treats for his office.
 We made him a card with the kids hand prints. The card said, "You're the best Dad! Hands down!"
 Adam and Tessa wrote him some funny Father's Day letters.
 Bampa was still on his fun trip, so we spent the evening with Pa.
Ares, Tessa, Pa, Gwen and Adam

Andrew, Danny, Ben, Kevin, Dad, and Becky
(Katy was at Scout Camp, Matt is gone for a month for his Air Force training, and David is in Brazil)
 I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Father! He is truly one of the greatest men I know.

 Pa is always so good to play with the kids! They love attacking him. They had a fun water fight!
 These are the silly letters the kids wrote for their Dad. They had so much fun coming up with everything!

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