Sunday, June 17, 2012

More Summer Fun

We have had another busy week. Last Sunday, Adam finished his first 500 piece puzzle! He worked on it for about an hour everyday for about 5 days. He did most of it himself and was very proud when he finished it!
 We played milk carton catch. The kids made "catchers" out of milk cartons, and then spent some time outside playing catch with them.

 Wednesday we had lots of cousins over to play! For a quiet afternoon activity after everyone left, we experimented with invisible ink.

 Thursday was Flag Day, so we had some Flag Day fun! We made red, white, and blue pancakes for breakfast.

 We learned all about Betsy Ross and our flag and Adam taught Tessa how to say  the Pledge of Allegiance.

 We made a flag pizza for lunch and colored flag pictures.

 Thursday night we had Eric's work barbecue. The kids had a blast getting their faces painted, playing on the bounce houses, shooting their rockets and eating lots of yummy food!

 On Friday we made sidewalk paint, but ran out of cornstarch, so we didn't get to paint as much as we would have liked. We plan to do that more this next week. Tessa painted a sun and Adam painted a stadium.

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