Friday, June 1, 2012


Adam has had quiet the month in the spotlight. We don't want to overlook our beautiful girls!
Tessa is turning into quite the beauty. She is ALL girl! She loves everything pretty and sparkly. She still loves her princesses and animals and she spends a good chunk of her day being Adam's cheerleader. She also loves to cheer for Adam and all the Killer Bee's at his T-ball games. She is a good sister to Adam and a wonderful big sister to Gwen. She is always asking me if she can babysit for me. She makes friends with everyone and has a new best friends almost weekly. She is still mighty independent and can be a handful at times, but we love her confidence and hope that is something that will help her become a strong woman for righteousness in the future.
Her fear of bugs is diminishing, but don't ask her about fruits and vegetables. That will get an immediate hand over her mouth like she is going to throw up. She can't stand the thought of them. A week or so ago, she told us that when she was 4 she would eat fruits and vegetables, but now that turning 4 is quickly approaching, she has abandoned that idea completely! 
She also loves to shop...especially for shoes. That's my girl!!!

A couple of weeks ago Tessa was coloring and came to show me her picture. On it, she had written her name all by herself! I have no idea what I am going to teach her in Mommy School this fall. She is so stinkin' smart! My Mom suggested biology and calculus. Her writing continues to improve as we practice and I can often find her either writing her name or writing "Go Jazz" for Adam. 
 When Eric and I were doing some birthday shopping for Adam, we came across this doll at the Disney Store. Eric had to do a double take, because he thought they had boxed up our little Tessa Boo! We can't believe how much this doll looks like Tessa...especially because Tess often has this same expression on her face! 
We love our beautiful Tessa Boo! She keeps us on our toes!

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