Sunday, July 1, 2012

This Weeks Adventures

We have had another busy, but fun week! It has been so hot and we have had so many fires around the state! Our skies have been very orange and smokey this week. The kids have lived in their swim suits and  have had a blast playing in the water when it wasn't too hot or too smokey.
Here are some of this weeks activities:
 One afternoon we painted in the bathtub. They came up with some interesting art!

 We have been learning a lot about our country in preparation for the 4th of July. Adam and  Tess have been coloring the flags from all 50 states and are trying to be finished with them by the 4th. I think they will make it.

 Gwen is just cute!

 Tessa has been having lots of tea parties this week. She always serves hot chocolate to her guests.
 One afternoon, Adam decided to teach all of his stuffed animals how to shoot a basketball.
 They made a new 4th of July decoration for our house.

 We tried a new recipe. Adam and Tessa decided on Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies. 
 They were delicious!!

 Tessa spent one morning with her lady bug friend.
 They ran in sprinklers and swam and swam and swam!

 Even Gwen went swimming. She liked to be eased into the cold water and was not happy when Adam just plopped her in!

 One thing I love about summer is that we have more time in the mornings for breakfast! Tessa helped me make pink pancakes this week.
 We spent one morning at the splash pad  here in town.

 We went to Manti on Thursday and yesterday we took the kids to the movies to see the new Disney movie "Brave". We ended the day at Mamma and Bampa's house to celebrate Uncle Alex getting home from his long stay in China. The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins! It was a fun afternoon!
 Adam jumping into the pool
 Tessa and Ellie pretending to be jelly beans on the tramp
 Roxy in her sweet duct tape swim suit
 Adam and Zeke are good little buds and had fun playing baseball with Bampa
And Gwen got LOTS of kissed from Uncle Gordon!
We finished our second Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Book and the kids are moving right along with their summer reading program at the library. They love going to Storytime every week! This next week is a big one for us! Adam can hardly stand to wait any longer. We surprised him and signed him up for BASKETBALL CAMP!!

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