Tuesday, August 7, 2012

7 Months Old

This past Friday, (August 3rd) Gwen turned 7 months old. What is happening to my baby??? She is the littlest light of my life and I can't imagine our family without her. She is getting so big and is so interactive. She is moving everywhere now and is practically crawling. She gets up on her knees but hasn't figured out how to move her legs and arms at the same time.
She loves her voice and loves to shriek and growl. Her noises crack us up! 
She loves her baby food and drools and chomps on her fingers like she is getting teeth, but still nothing. We are still nursing a lot, so I am ok with no teeth.
She adores her big brother and sister and loves pulling Tessa's hair. Eric still gets her biggest smiles when he gets home from work. She has him wrapped around her little finger pretty darn good.
We finally moved her into her crib about a week ago (yes, I have attachment issues). She only cried one night going to sleep and falls asleep on her own during naps and at bedtime without any problems. Staying asleep is another issue. We are still getting up about 5 times a night. Usually if I go in and just snuggle her for a minute she will go right back to sleep. Not too hard, but I am still waking up with her 5 times a night....and that's not counting the other times Adam and Tessa wake me up for one reason or another. Someday I will sleep....
Sleep or not, we love this baby to pieces and just can't get enough of her chubby cheeks and thighs!
"Gwendolyn Marie, you are as pretty as can be!"

 These are her growling faces! Hilarious!

 She's on the move!

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