Saturday, September 1, 2012

Game Day!

Thursday was the first BYU football game of the season and Eric and Adam have been SO excited!! When Adam got home from school he put on his new BYU football shirt and helped me hang our BYU flag. It was a late game, but we let the kids stay up to watch it.

If you heard screaming coming from our house, it was either Adam cheering when we got a touchdown or Eric yelling at the officials for all the horrible calls. It ended up being a ridiculously long game due to all the (bad) calls. It was like an hour a quarter...insane!
 Adam lasted until about 11:30pm when there was about 6 minutes left in the game. We won 30-6 and Adam was so happy for our victory! He said the next day at school he was so excited about football, he played a little football with some 2nd graders during recess. 
Go Cougars!

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