Sunday, September 16, 2012


Here are some of this weeks highlights...
 We had so much fun doing Mommy School! Tessa made an "All About Me" book.
 She gathered some of her favorite things-feeding her dolls, her pets, playing dress up, watching movies (she and Adam LOVE "My Turn On Earth"), reading, and eating fruit snacks.
 We had fun with our book of the week-Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
We learned about the letter A and Tessa made a giant self portrait. She even added her purple boots.

I caught the kids playing "school" a couple of times over the weekend. All of their animal friends get to join them as students. Adam makes sure they get their recesses in as well.
 When Tessa isn't playing with her bff (Camdyn) she, Mommy, and Gwen are usually having some kind of fun together. This particular day Tessa had set up a drive in movie for everyone to watch on her wall. 
 We went to visit the dentist. My kids love going to the dentist! Both of their teeth look good, except for 2 of Adam's teeth that kind of have his dentist baffled. It looks like there is some decay going on inside the teeth (same tooth on each side) but there is no spot or hole for the decay to enter the tooth. So to see what's going on they are going to do some drilling this next week to figure out what is up. Adam thinks it's super cool he gets to have a shot in his mouth. I seriously have the weirdest children!

 Look what she found this week!! She is moving everywhere and into everything!! I finally had to baby proof the house this week and put away everything I didn't want ripped or chewed on. She found the stairs, but can't climb them yet. She is about 2 inches too short to get up the first step, but boy does she try. She is also amazed by the door stoppers and cannot figure out why she can't get them off the wall. 

Adam started first grade and grew a mustache! He won some class points for being good and got to pick out a prize. He chose the stick-on mustache. He loves it and has been trying to trick Eric into thinking there is a French man in our house every night when he gets home from work. He greets Eric with, "Bonjour!" Goofy boy. He is doing so well in school! He has received 100% on all of his spelling tests so far and his teacher tested his reading this week so I am anxious to hear what level he is on. 
We had a fun BYU party over the weekend to watch our Cougars play the Utes. Not the outcome we had hoped for, but we still had fun. Eric is still plugging away at school and getting ready for finals in a couple of weeks for his first couple of classes. I just started a cooking class this week and am trying to get a million things done at once. I am grateful for the counsel I received this weekend at our Stake Conference as I was reminded that the most precious things I have to worry about now right now are my sweet babies. They keep me busy (and awake most nights) but they sure do make our home a happy and wonderful place!

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