Friday, October 19, 2012

Apple Week

This week for Mommy School, we learned about Apples. We did some fun apple activities and learned about how apples grow and read a few books about apples. Every year we read about Johnny Appleseed and make a yummy apple dessert, so we included that into our Mommy School activities this year. It was a busy week, so we were only able to squeeze in a few things. There is never enough time for all the things I plan and hope to do.
 Tessa and Boston making their fingerprint apple trees. 

 Adam and Tessa measured themselves with apples. It's a good thing we eat a lot of apples around here-thankfully we had enough to measure both kids. 

 We made paper plate apple cores.

Tessa helped make Apple Dumplings for our Johnny Appleseed dessert. She only ate the ice cream with vanilla sauce. I was hoping she would at least taste an apple sometime this week, but she stood her ground and wouldn't even touch the inside of one. Hopefully someday.....

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