Sunday, October 21, 2012

Halloween Countdown

On Thursday we started our Halloween countdown! Each day we have a different theme and I have activities planned around each theme. These kids are so excited for Halloween!
Day 13-Owls
 We made owl masks.

 We got super creative and made an owl pizza for dinner. I had no idea if this would end up looking anything like an owl, but I think we did pretty good!
 Day 12-Black Cats
Day 12 was sacrificed to a much needed night out for Mommy and Daddy. We picked Adam up from school and took the kids straight over to Mamma and Bampa's house. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a wonderful evening out-the first time we have left all 3 kids for a long amount of time since Gwen was born. It was worth sacrificing the Black Cats. 
Day 11-Pumpkins
Showing off our countdown numbers.

 We made paper Jack-O-Lanterns.

 We did this last year and Adam &Tessa loved it, so we did it again this year. 
Pumpkin bowling!

 Another Halloween tradition at our house-pumpkin painting. 

 Saturday evening we visited a Pumpkin Patch.
 They had some fun animals to look at. This pig was the size of a calf! It was huge!!

 We took a fun hay ride.

 Adam and Tessa loved getting lost int he maze!

 The corn box was their favorite! We came home with corn everywhere, but they loved it!
Gwen wasn't such a fan of the corn.

 Adam and Tessa army crawling through the corn. 

 We searched the pumpkin patch for the perfect pumpkin.
Then we came home and made some Mummy Dogs for dinner. 
 Day 10-Bats

 We made Bats out of egg cartons. They were so careful and didn't get any paint on their church clothes!

While I made lunch before church, Adam read some Bat facts to Tessa. 
9 more days to go! 

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