Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Countdown

Day 8- Monsters
 We made monster puppets and Halloween sugar cookies to go "Boo" our neighbors.
 Day 7-Vampires
It was a busy day, full of play dates and friends over, so we just made a fun dinner of our Oozing Eyeball Spaghetti.
 Day 6-Haunted House
 We made some Haunted House pop out pictures.

 We tried to make our house spooky for dinner and ate by candlelight. Gwen wasn't quiet sure about eating in the dark, but Adam and Tessa loved it and want to eat by candlelight every night now. 
Day 5-Witches
 We made witch hat cookies and had a hard time keeping them away from Gwen. 
We also read our favorite witch books and watched the Wizard of Oz for family movie night. 

 Day 4-Candy Corn
We played Halloween Bingo with candy corn.

 Halloween morning is going to be busy, so we made our pumpkin pancakes for dinner on Sunday. Adam and Tessa love having breakfast for dinner!
 Day 3-Skeleton
 We played "pin the face on the skeleton".
 Poor Tess never got near the skeleton-she kept putting her face on the fridge or the wall. 

 We made some q-tip skeletons.
 They turned out so cute!
Only 2 days left and these kids can hardly stand it. They cannot wait to go Trick or Treating!

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