Sunday, December 2, 2012

Our Christmas Countdown Begins!

Our December has not started off as nice as we had hoped. There is a nasty stomach bug going around the state of Utah (I swear everyone I know has had it!) and this week we caught it. Poor Tessa started throwing up Wednesday night and didn't stop until her Daddy gave her a blessing at about 4am the next morning. It was a rough night. 

Poor little Gwen has had to entertain herself a lot this weekend. She has had fun playing Peek-a-Boo with our snow people. 
 Tessa was feeling much better Thursday afternoon and into Friday, and then started getting sick again Friday night. Eric was up in Salt Lake all weekend taking his finals, so it was just me and the kiddos. 
 Saturday Gwen and I started getting sick, but we managed to make it to Christmas Around the World at BYU. Gwen was not happy about Adam holding her, but she loved seeing all the bright lights during the show. 
 This is pretty much what has been all over our floors for 3 day now-towels and bowls. I am so sick of vomit and laundry!!
Despite our barfiness, we had our Christmas Countdowns to start! We have 3 different countdowns for the month of December-excessive is my new middle name:)
Countdown #1-Santa's Beard: Each day the kids get to glue a cotton ball to Santa's beard. By the time Christmas arrives, it will be a full, white beard!
Countdown #2-Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem: Each day the kids get to move Mary and Joseph a little closer to Bethlehem. On Christmas morning the kids will wake up to a full nativity scene.
Countdown #3-Christmas Tree Countdown: Each day the kids get to pick an ornament that has an activity t that I have planned for that day and then they get to decorate our homemade tree with the ornament.

 Days 1 and 2 for our countdown included attending Christmas Around the World and a special story about the Savior. I am glad that since we have been so sick, our activities have been pretty easy! Hopefully we will be feeling better soon!

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