Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gwen's 1st Birthday!

 Today our beautiful Gwen turned one! I can't believe how fast this last year has gone by. Gwen has been such a fun baby and I have loved every minute of having her around. There has been a different relationship I have had with each of my babies, and with Gwen I have always felt such a closeness with her. 
We have been so excited for her big day and I have been planning and preparing for days. We had her big party tonight, but it kind of was a bust. Part of me wants to cry, but part of me figures that's how memories are made. If everything always went perfect, you wouldn't remember most things in your life. Gwen has been very clingy the last 2 days, and filling our house with all of her Uncle's tonight, didn't help. She wasn't a huge fan of being the center of attention and for some reason, the cake I made for her totally freaked her out and she wouldn't touch it. So, not the best party. At least she will know that I tried and that she is loved because so many people came to celebrate with us!
This picture pretty much sums up her party...not the best, but it made everyone laugh!
We love you sweet Gwennie! Happy, Happy Birthday!!

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