Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our Lazy Monday

Adam didn't have any school on Monday, so Tessa declared it Pajama Day....and I was totally fine with that!
The kids stayed busy reading, having a birthday party for Tessa's pet cat "Tim", a picnic lunch, and a fun night out with Daddy to the BYU Creamery. 
Watching (and now listening) to my kids read never gets old. I am so grateful they love books!
Adam and Tessa threw a birthday party for "Tim the Cat". Tessa had me make him a special pancake for his cake, they made birthday signs and wrapped presents for him. 

 We sang and blew out candles. What a lucky cat!

  Tim got a birthday card from Adam and a stuffed dog from Tessa. 
 I didn't get a good picture of it, but while Gwen was napping we had an awesome indoor picnic! 
 For FHE, we were hoping to go bowling, but the wait was like an hour and a half. So, we decided to go get ice cream instead. Even thought it was like, 9 degrees outside. 

It was fun to have a day off. It made us all excited for summer!

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