Friday, February 15, 2013

A Happy Valentine's Day

We had a fun Valentine's Day! We started our morning off with our traditional heart cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Yummy!

 The kids final surprise was a new movie and some candy. 
 We did Tessa's hair in a heart. She loved it and will probably want it like this for the next 2 weeks. 
 She wore as much red and pink as she could find. She was so excited for her Valentine's party at Pre-school!
 Mommy got to go help in Adam's class for his class party. I love that he is still not too cool to run up and hug me in front of everyone. He is always so happy to have me there. Mrs. Riley told me he is the crush boy of the class. 
 With his best buddy, Braxton. They play basketball at every recess.

 I had to put this picture on the blog...I love Gwen's hand! It shows what life is really like at our house. She is into everything! Especially everything she shouldn't have-like Tessa's Valentine's.
Tessa was so excited to show off all her Valentine's!
 Adam came home with a bag full of goodies!
We had a nice evening at home together. I spent several hours preparing our nice dinner and dessert, but it was yummy and worth the work! We always use our china on Valentine's Day and get as fancy as we can with 3 little ones. 
 On the menu: Chicken Cordon Bleu, White Cheddar Mashed Potatoes, Olive Garden Salad, Rolls, Sparkling Cider, and a White Chocolate Brownie Trifle for dessert. It was delicious, if I do say so myself!

I am so lucky to have all of these Valentine's! They make my life a happy one!

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