Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February Fun!

We've had us some fun this February. We've been sick....again! We are all so anxious for spring to come. The kids want to play outside and go to the park, and I want to air out the house! Despite the illnesses, we have been able to make some fun memories this month.
Adam and Daddy got to go to another BYU basketball game. Adam was sick with a stomach bug, but even that couldn't keep him home from the game. He missed 2 days of school and didn't want to move off the couch, but he was still asking me if he could go play basketball. His Cougars won in an amazing last second win! (I was a good Mommy and watched some of the game on TV so I could  talk to him about it when he got home.)

We got to spend Pa's birthday evening with him. These kids love their Pa! The other day, Tessa told Pa that he was better than any playground!
Gwen loved Pa's birthday cake. 

Daddy surprised me with some beautiful flowers. 
One of Gwen's new favorite games....hiding the magnets under the fridge and then fishing them out. 

Adam's class celebrated his birthday. He got to choose a hat, sit on the saddle, and answer a few "favorite things" questions. Then his classmates got to ask him a few extra questions. He loved it! I got to bring the class some treats and read them Adam's favorite picture book, "Hot Rod Hamster".
Gwen loves building and knocking down towers. I love that she sits with her legs crossed. 
Tess got to go on a field trip to the BYU Art Museum. They looked at a few pictures and got to dress up like the people in the pictures. She loved it!

A Sunday morning game of memory with some favorite friends. 
Gwen takes licking her plate clean to a whole new level!
Daddy has been very busy working a lot of over-time and taking midterms. Mommy spends her day pulling Gwen off the baby gate. This is constant!!! She finally flipped herself over the other night when I walked away for 2 seconds. Thankfully, she wasn't hurt, but it scared me to death! She still thinks she can fly down the stairs, so hopefully in the next few months she will be ready to learn how to safely go down the stairs. This gate needs to come down for my own sanity!! She is such a monkey and is into everything! She keeps me on my toes-literally!

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