Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy Days

Here are some of the fun things going on at our house lately.
Tessa with her bff, Camdyn. They were invited to a princess party at another friends house. They got all beautiful and had a lot of fun with all the other princesses in the neighborhood.

 Adam lost another tooth! He is loving the Tooth Fairy!
 Gwen has discovered Tessa's necklaces and now loves to accessorize. She wore this necklace all Sunday afternoon and evening. 

 She loves to watch Adam play basketball from the living room window. She stands there and yells at him and his friends.
 Tessa has been taking lots of pictures. She got a cute one of me and Gwennie. 
 Gwen tried her first Go-gurt and by the death grip she had on it, I would say that she enjoyed it. 

 Gwen adores her big brother! Every morning when we drop him off at school she starts screaming and reaching for him. Last week, she cried for 20 minutes after we left him at school. She is usually the first one at the door when I tell the girls it's time to pick Adam up in the afternoon. She yells and squeals when she finally can see him before he gets into the car. It's so cute to watch. 
Every morning Tessa tells Adam she loves him and "remember to swallow your tickles". 
 We have had a couple of days of nice weather this week and we have been loving it! We finally got to go play outside for a bit. 
 The kids were excited to see missionaries walking around our neighborhood. Adam took them some water and Tessa was really annoyed with me when I wouldn't let her give them a kiss. I tried explaining to her that missionaries can't hug or kiss girls. She finally settled on being able to blow them kisses from across the street. 

 We have played a lot of basketball and Tessa is doing really well riding her new bike!

Adam is pretty hard core when it comes to his sports, especially basketball. He hasn't really found any friends that share his passion for it. There are some older boys that live across the street from us and they love sports as much as Adam does. They came over to play basketball with Adam last week, and they have played every chance they had since then. Last Saturday, I got this text from their mom...
"Braden and Gavin are quite thrilled with their new "discovery" of Adam. They keep talking  about how much they like him. "He's kind and honest and he knows all the big players and he's good at basketball and his room is totally sporty!!" I think this is the beginning of something beautiful...."
That made my heart so happy and proud! I have been praying that he would find some friends that would share his passion, and I am so thankful those prayers were answered. I love watching them play-I think it's so cute to see such little boys be so intense!

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