Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tessa Boo!

Oh, our Tessa! Today was one of those days that I have been dreading since she was born. It's time to realize how big she is and get ready to send her off to school. Today was Kindergarten registration and Tessa was beyond thrilled to get her name on the list! She keeps asking why she can't start school next week. 
 She cracks us up! We love her style and confidence! And we pray that her confidence will be powerful source for all things good in her life and those she becomes friends with. People tell us all the time how funny she is and how smart she is. If we ask her why is she so cute, she says, (in her super high voice) "Because I am so smart." We then ask her why she is so smart, and she says, "Because I am so cute."
Watch out Kindergarten!!
 Tessa had to say goodbye to her beloved Sparkly Pink Boots over the weekend. She has worn them daily for months, and mainly without socks, so they smelled REALLY bad! You know the smell was bad when she willingly threw them away herself. I promised her we would find the most sparkly pair of summer sandals ever! Hopefully I can keep up my end of the deal.

1 comment:

sleepless said...

Celebrate her confidence !!