Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer Sports

Summer is in full swing around here, and that means lots of sports! Adam is playing baseball and going to basketball camp this summer. He is loving baseball right now and playing so well. His little team is pretty good and they work well together! I love listening to them cheer each other on while they wait for their turn to bat. 

 Tessa is taking gymnastics this summer. She has been so excited and waiting for months to start. Tuesday was her first day and she loved it! It brought back so many memories for me. I took gymnastics when I was her age and loved it! It was like watching myself in a mirror....

I had to take these pictures through glass with my phone. Hopefully, I'll get better pictures in a week or two. 

Gwen can't be left out of the sporting fun. Her favorite sport is using Mommy as a jungle gym. If I sit down to read to the kids or have devotional in the morning, she is crawling all over and flipping herself over my legs. This is why it takes me 6 months to read a book these days. If I need to get something done, it has to be done standing, otherwise this monkey is all over me. She sure is a cute little monkey though!

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