Thursday, July 25, 2013

Basketball Camp

Last week, Adam attended the Travis Hansen Little Heroes Basketball Camp. This was his second year at this basketball camp, and I have a feeling he will be attending for many more years to come! I love this basketball camp! They not only learn about basketball, but the main focus is to teach the boys how to be good team players, how to serve others and that it's more important to be a good person than a good athlete. Adam has so much fun and he is already asking when next years camp will start. I took hundreds of pictures...I did my best to narrow them down a bit. 
 They always start their days with a warm up and a morning pep talk of sorts. They are divided into grades and then broken down into smaller groups. They go over different basketball skills throughout the day and then they practice those together with their groups. 

 On Thursday, Lamont Morgan from the BYU team came to teach them about passing the ball and ball handling. 

 Adam was practicing passing the ball through his legs. He needs to be a bit taller to master this one. 

 The dribbling contest! Adam won this last year and got a prize, but this year they just did it for fun. 

 Working on passing the ball to his teammates. 

 This is Adam's "Ball Face". He makes this face anytime he throws any kind of ball. It makes us laugh!

 They played some 2 on 2.

 At the end of each day, Travis Hansen always talks to the kids and has some fun with them. Friday he made them all have a dance off. It was pretty funny! This year he talked a lot to the kids about serving others and the importance of reading. He told them that not everyone can be a great basketball player, but everyone can be great at helping other people and be a great reader. 
 They always have a service project for the kids to do during camp. This year they made school kits for kids in the Nebo school district. Adam was excited that he was getting to help kids in our neck of the woods!

 In line for the service project.

 They filled hundreds of bags!
 Adam and Lamont

 Warming up on Saturday.

 Saturday they worked on some defense and played against their coach. Adam's coach kept looking up at me and laughing cause Adam was giving him a run for his money! He was not going to let his coach off easy!

 I love how much air he gets under him when he shoots!
 There's that face!

 Some final thoughts from Travis on their last day of camp.

 On Saturday, Tyler Haws came to speak to them and play a little too. He talked to the boys about listening to their mom's and dad's and about being thankful to live in America. He had just returned from playing in Russia with team USA. 

 Adam and Tyler
 Adam and Nate (I didn't catch a last name...someone from BYU).
 Adam and Travis
I can't believe how fast my little boy is growing up! I am thankful that there are good programs like this one out there to help me teach him the importance of being a good person. Until next year.....

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