Friday, September 13, 2013

Gwennie the Pooh

Several people have asked how Gwen is dealing with the recent changes at home. With Adam and Tessa both at school in the mornings, Gwen has to stay at home with boring, old Mom. We have tried to make our mornings fun and I tired to capture a few things from the last few mornings. 
 Gwen is usually ready for a snack around 9:30am. She loves to eat while she watches her favorite cartoons, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sofia the First. I will usually take advantage of this half hour to get something done and then I get to clean up whatever mess Gwen has made with her snack. She likes to dump whatever is in her bowls all over the benches. Occasionally, I will cave and put on her absolute favorite movie, "Air Buddies", which we can all quote now. She constantly asks for, "Puppies!!"

 Gwen has fallen in love with her baby dolls. She pushes her favorite doll all over the house in the baby stroller and will snuggle it while we watch her shows or read stories. It's seriously the cutest thing. 

 She loves playing with the Potato Head pieces. 

 We build and knock down block towers. 
 We do puzzles. 

 Gwen's other new favorite thing to play with is cars. It makes me feel like I am playing with baby Adam all over again. 

 She is like her sister and has to stand right in front of the TV. 
 And of course, we read and read and read and read. This little girl loves her books! Her newest favorite is, "Are You My Mother?" We read it at least 4 times before we pick Tessa up from school and at least 6 more times throughout the rest of the day. 

 We've had fun going on walks in the "wee" (that's what she calls the stroller) and riding our bike to go get Tess from school. 
 Running errands with Gwen is less than fun. She will not stay in a cart-at all. So I either end up carrying her through an entire store (and when I'm dragging a shopping cart full of groceries behind me, my arm goes numb after about 20 minutes of that) or she's screaming bloody murder cause she wants to run free. My new favorite is when she yells, "HELP" at the top of her lungs. I've gotten some awesome looks for that one. Occasionally, I bite the bullet (about every 2 weeks) and we venture out for our big shopping trips. I usually end up a sweaty mess by the time we get home from struggling with Gwen the whole time and my purse has been depleted of every snack I have ever packed. But, we always survive. 
 Today was our big Walmart shopping day and Gwen was super excited about her new shoes. 

 We have had a lot of rain this week. Gwen loves to watch the rain. She yells, "rain!!" whenever she hears it falling. She is not a fan of thunder and runs for cover if she hears it. She loves to splash in the rain puddles as soon as the rain stops. She ends up soaking wet, but so happy!

To sum it all up, I think she is surviving without her brother and sister around. Honestly, I think she likes to be able to get into anything she wants-especially Tessa's toys. It's kind of nice having her all to myself without other kids needing my attention. Gwennie loves to snuggle with me, so I take advantage of that and we snuggle a lot-especially when we are reading her books. I am grateful we have this time together and grateful to have such a fun and spunky little girl!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

She is so adorable! This makes me look forward to Ava being in school next year.