Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Happy Thanksgiving!

Our Thanksgiving week has been a fun one! On Tuesday, Mommy got to help Tessa's class have their Thanksgiving Feast. All the students helped set the tables and prepare the food. Tessa's feast consisted of a roll and chocolate pudding. She said it was delicious!

One of our final countdown activities was a turkey hunt. This was by far, the most favorite activity we did all month!

Our Tom the Turkey was filled with beautiful feathers by the end of the month! I loved seeing what the kid decided to write on their feathers. 
Our last activities consisted of "Don't Eat Tom" and  Hot and Cold with a drumstick.
We spent Thanksgiving day up at Ma and Pa's house this year. We got there early in the day for family pictures. Ares and Gwen had fun playing the piano while we waited for everyone to arrive. 
I made some turkey cookies that turned out darling! I love them:)
Adam was lucky enough to play basketball with Uncle David and Aunt Gillian!
David has been challenging Gillian to a basketball game for a while now, so Thursday, she accepted his challenge. 

The cheering section-Matt threatened to shoot David with an airsoft gun if he beat Gillian. 
Eric got some good study time in while we waited for dinner. 
Gwen checked out the store adds with Katy and Gillian while the rest of the kids and Uncles played some football. 

The kids table

While Adam let his tummy rest from his huge dinner, he got everyone doing some Thanksgiving Mad Libs.
Uncle Kevin played Apples to Apples with Adam and Tessa.
Daddy, Gillian, Danny and Amy played a game of Scrabble.
Gwen and David watching Winnie the Pooh.
We got home that evening with some wiped out kids! I
It was a fun and happy Thanksgiving!

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