Thursday, December 5, 2013

Meeting the Pioneer Woman

I have been looking forward to this past Tuesday for weeks and weeks! Eric took the day off so I could have a much needed mommy day away. My plan was to leisurely make my way to Salt Lake where I would spend the day shopping and treating myself to a yummy dinner. Well, my "day off" ended up being one of the most stressful days of my life! Thank you arctic weather! 
Katy and I found out that Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman, would be in Salt Lake for a book signing this past Tuesday. We ordered our books, circled the day on our calendars about a a billion times ( I was a little excited) and have been counting down the days. I didn't think the snow would put such a damper on our fun day, but it did-a bit. All of my extra plans got tossed out the window, and I wasn't even sure I wanted to try driving to Salt Lake in our awful weather. I gave it a shot and while the roads were completely horrible, we managed to make our way to Salt Lake to meet Ree. 
This was our view the entire 2 hour drive to Salt Lake. Yes, I said 2 hours-and that's from Orem! We didn't go faster than 15 mph the entire time we were on the freeway. But honestly, I was ok with that!

 We made it to the bookstore alive and got our hands on this gem! I have been so excited to get this!

 Since we had pre-ordered our books, we had "priority" tickets, which meant we only had to wait in line to meet Ree and get our books signed for about 35 minutes.

There she is!!!! 
We actually were standing by the front of the bookstore when she walked in. I was expecting her to have some sort of entourage, but it was just her. The first thing I said when I saw her was. "She's really real!". She was so nice and friendly to everyone as she made her way to her signing spot. She told us all we should have been shaking our fingers at her for being a few minutes late. 
 We're getting closer!!
 I went blank as soon as it was our turn, but really, what do you say? She's no diva and that makes her all the more awesome! She told me she liked my coat and we decided we must be distantly related because of our red hair. She was so nice and easy going and it was so fun to meet her! I want to be her when I grow up-minus the whole living on a ranch thing. I don't think I could do that as gracefully as she does!

We stopped for a quick bite to eat on the way home and then started our journey southbound. It only took me an hour and a half to get to Spanish Fork, and that's with dropping Katy off. So, going home was a little bit better. In the end, I am glad that we went and met Ree. I have a lot of new recipes to try and I can't wait to get started!!

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